ELEVEN HOURS in Match Book (New York Times)

It was nice to see Eleven Hours show up in the Match Book column's recommendations to a reader who wanted "a good book to read in the last months of my first pregnancy"--nothing   "patronizing" or "preaching" or that would leave her "despairing and enraged." And I applaud the columnist's inclusion in her answer of Elisa Albert's AFTER BIRTH, Rivka Galchen's LITTLE LABORS, and Louise Erdrich's THE BLUE JAY'S DANCE (which a dear friend in fact gave me during my first pregnancy).. 

ELEVEN HOURS in The Guardian

So pleased by this review of Eleven Hours by critic Lucy Scholes, coinciding with the paperback release in the UK. I enjoyed Scholes's comment that the novel displayed "audacity," as well as her description of it as "delightfully stomach-churning" (!).  Not to mention this:  "[Erens's] most impressive skill is the effortless way she transforms the commonplace into the captivating." 

Maplewood Literary Award

I've been named the recipient of the 2017 Maplewood Literary Award, a prize given as part of the annual Ideas Festival taking place each March and April in Maplewood, NJ. Former recipients of the prize include Paul Auster and Dan Barry. As a long-time resident of the community and an enthusiastic user of the Maplewood Memorial Library, which sponsors the festival, I am especially delighted.